How Do Plea Bargains Work in Las Vegas DUI Cases?
Plea bargains are used to settle the majority of criminal cases in Las Vegas and the entire state of Nevada. But how exactly do they work? Here is what you need to know.
Field Sobriety Tests in Nevada: A Complete Guide
Field sobriety tests in Nevada are oftentimes inaccurate and unscientific. However, they are commonly used to determine a person's guilt in DUI cases. Here is what everyone should know about field sobriety tests in Nevada.
Can You Be Arrested for DUI in Las Vegas When You Are Not Driving?
Can you be arrested for DUI in Las Vegas even when you are not driving a vehicle? Our Las Vegas DUI lawyers answer your questions regarding this matter.
What Happens If I am Arrested for DUI in Las Vegas But I am Not a Nevada Resident?
Out of state DUI charges are extremely complicated to deal with without the right DUI attorney on your side. Here is what you should do if you are arrested for a DUI in Las Vegas but are not a Nevada resident.
Can a DUI Lead to Criminal Charges and a Civil Case at the Same Time?
Oftentimes people wonder if a criminal case can ultimately lead to a civil case at the same time. Here is what you need to know.
Everything You Need to Know About Las Vegas DUI Checkpoints
DUI checkpoints are legal in Las Vegas and are utilized often during holidays, special events, and more. Here is what you should know about DUI checkpoints in Las Vegas.